Exploratory Laparotomy
Performed 3/20/2009
I must thank my staff for their help with the surgery and a special thanks to Jennifer Harris for acting as the photographer. All of you did and do a great job and I will miss you.
This surgery was performed as a diagnostic procedure on a 4 year old Blue Tick Hound. This was an intact, male, hunting dog named "Bull". The dog presented with a history of severe weight loss over a 3-4 week period progressing into vomiting and diarrhea in the later stages. Lab work and radiograph results available upon request.
Bull ready for surgery.
I have made my initial incision and am getting ready to exteriorize the intestines.
This section of intestine was extremely thickened and firm. At this point my differential diagnosis list had two major contenders for the problem. Neither held much hope for the animal's recovery. My two best choices were either neo-plasia or Phycomycosis (Pythiosis).